Upbringing Hub
Learn From Our Expert
Seek for Solutions
Prepare for the future

UpBringing Hub

Bringing Everyone New Ideas From Our Great People

Our activities are inspired by government strategic planning, international organization (World Economic Forum, IQ2US Debate, UNDP) and global agenda working to accelerate sustainable development in the era of fourth industrial revolution.

We have the mindset to create opportunity for young leaders to create the momentum to serve the positive change.

Recent Event

Upbringing Hub has already hosted a dialouge under the theme "Rethinking Our Future Economy Through Technology and Education" on 14th, September 2019. This dialogue provided audinces the opportunity to learn about our pontential speakers or panels who have experience in the field of economic, techology and education development.

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Want to join us

Are you a person who want to help contribute to the society for the positive change? Are you willing to become a member of our core team or the pontential speakers for this organization? UpBringing Hub thrives all the efforts to provide you the opportunity to network with talented people and showcase your pontentials. What are you waiting for?

Contact Us

Our previous event

On 25th May, 2019, UpBringing Hub had already hosted a dialogue under theme "Empowering Our Education With Digital Platform or ICT" at Auditorium Building G of the Institute of Foriegn Languages(IFL). This event had provided the audiences with the learning opportunity from pontential speakers to discuss over the importance of technology and the key challenges in our education system.
