Upbringing Hub


UpBringing Hub develops youth leadership by presenting opportunities to engage in critical dialogue discussions relating to technology, education and the modern economy.


Upbringing Hub seeks to achieve the vision through the following pathways:

  • Creating social platforms where critical dialogue is encouraged and sustained by knowledgeable mentors.
  • Promoting critical thinking backed by relevant research and proven data analysis.
  • Immersing youth in critical issues affecting their future, particularly technological advancement, the pursuit of higher education opportunities and access to the modern economy.


Upbringing Hub seeks to meet the following goals to support the mission statements:

  • To develop a pool of professional talent in the areas of technology, education and the modern economy.
  • To build a network of young professionals that facilitates the exchange of creative ideas and future career opportunities.
  • To establish a culture of critical dialogue and social connectivity via online resources, including social media.


UpBringing Hub organizes the following activities to achieve its goals:

  • Conducting workshops and seminars for youth that share contemporary challenges and solutions within the technological and education sectors as they relate to the modern economy.
  • Forming partnerships with ministries, corporations and non-governmental organizations to participate in and support training workshops and instructional seminars for youth.
  • Producing multimedia content to promote critical understanding of education, technology and the modern economy.

Partners and Venues

UpBringing Hub collaborates with the following partners for support event-hosting:

  • CEO Master Club for the venue and platform as a stand-alone seminar/project, or a collaborated seminar/project.
  • AZ Bookstore for the publication of books by the mastermind group (the core members).
  • Various local and regional universities/institutes for conducting the training workshops/seminars.