Upbringing Hub
Our Dialogue

Empowering Our Education with Digital Platform or ICT

Venue: Auditorium Building G, IFL

( 25th-May-2019 )


Problem Statement

Technology is a fundamental of globalization and development because it helps improve the productivity of individuals, business and organizations to achieve the goals more effectively. The integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in the education has been viewed by global leaders as the best method for accelerating the sustainable development in this modern economy. However, transforming the traditional education into the digital platform is the greatest challenges for government due to the understanding and cost of investment in the implementation of this project. ICT readiness becomes the key focus to initiate the driven changes for this education system.


Following the workshop agenda, participants will learn from the experience sharing, new policy or findings of how importance of implementing digital platform in the education system. After providing the keynote presentation from our potential speakers, we are going to conduct a panel discussion that provide our audience the opportunity to engage in asking question or providing new suggestion to challenge the status quo in order to produce better outcome for positive change.

Our Speakers
Mr. Pang Sarmarnh

Mr. Pang Samarnh

Professor at Institute Foreign Languages & researcher of Technology enhanced education, adult literacy & life-long learning

Master’s Degree from Charles Darwin University (Australia)

Mss. Meav Vanneath

Academic Manager in charge of ICT, Research and Development at an international school in Cambodia

Master’s Degree from University of Aukland (New Zealand)

Chap Vikrant

Mr. Chap Vikrant

Public speaking, debate coach, active trainer and influencer with working experience as academic manager

Master’s Degree student in Comparative and Global Studies in Education and Development, the University of Hong Kong


By the end of this seminar, participants were able to:

  • Identify the key challenges in our education
  • Better understand how ICT play a role in improving the education quality
  • Use this existing knowledge to initiate further research (students and lecturers) and consider for starting new development plan (faculty and school principal)
  • share this experience to raise the awareness of the effects of ICT toward other people

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